Positive and Encouraging Math Tutoring that Works!
Our tutors work one-on-one with students using the Rock Solid Math program. This multisensory program helps students master math. Students also develop a concrete understanding of math concepts.

Find success with a math program that:
- Uses hands-on tools
- Relates math concepts to the world around your student
- Has proven, remarkable results
- Customizes learning to match what your student is learning in school (once foundation subjects are completed).
- Helps students who have dyscalculia
What is a tutoring session like?
- Tutor interaction is one-on-one
- Parents may sit in on the tutoring sessions (encouraged but not required).
- ‘Rules Pages’ are sent home that explain the process and show an example.
- No homework is assigned.
Math Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful
Having a child who struggles in math can be incredibly stressful and disheartening. You know how much harder your child has to work than everyone else, just to get poor grades and still not understand the concepts.
Is your child struggling with math concepts and problems?
Are they getting behind in math at school?
Is homework a struggle — full of tears and fights?

When teaching math, we have found that a different learning method is necessary. Memorization and abstract ideas are hard for students with dyslexia. We work to tailor learning to something that works for them.
Our math tutors will help your child experience:
- An increase in math aptitude.
- An increase in self-confidence.
- A better attitude toward school in general.
Dyslexia Reading Connection has given our daughter the instruction and tools she needs to succeed in math. It has built her confidence in math to the point of sharing what she has learned with her classmates! Thank you DRC!
Next Steps in Working with Us
If your child struggles with math, we will design a plan that addresses learning gaps and sets your child up for success. Schedule a call and complete our online intake form when you’re ready.
Step One
Schedule a Free Consultation
Step Two
Set Up an Evaluation