Meet the Staff at DRC!
Everyone meet Danielle! She is a Certified Barton Tutor. Danielle has been at DRC for 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in education and psychology. She has been married for 12 years and has 2 kids. As a family, they enjoy water sports, tennis, and gardening.
Why do you tutor?
“I enjoy working one on one with my students. I love watching them grow, mature, gain confidence, and thrive in a subject they previously struggled with.”
What keeps you at DRC?
“My students! They are hard-working, dedicated, and brilliant.”
How does tutoring make you feel?
“Tutoring makes me happy. I love being able to help my students become more confident and succeed with reading and spelling.”
Can you highlight an experience at DRC that brought you a reward (i.e., graduate, an ‘ah-ha’ moment, a compliment from a student or parent)?
“One of my students tutored in the car on her way to vacation with a friend, and the parents called in to say they couldn’t believe everything that my student was learning and doing. It made so much sense, and they had never heard of the material taught that way before.”